
Kids love to work with maze puzzles to find the one correct path that will take them from start to finish. Rally mazes have the same goal but are somewhat different in execution. In the child's puzzle, the lines represent walls and the path through is found by travelling between the walls. In rally mazes, the lines represent the path itself. Here are 2 different examples of maze instructions:

Giant Tulip Maze

The correct path through this maze represents a Giant Tulip, with each intersection on the route represented by a junction in the maze. This type of maze is not to scale and bends in the maze do not necessarily match bends in the road. And the bridges you go over or under are not necessarily the same bridge in the real world!


In the above examples, the left-hand maze represents this type of instruction as you would receive them in the route book. The right-hand maze shows (via the darker line) the only correct route to get through this particular maze

Blind Map Mazes

This type of maze is to the same scale as the map provided in the route book. First, you trace the correct route through the maze. The line through the maze is then treated as a blind map of the section; simply overlay this line onto the map and you will find the route. All intersections are shown. The easiest way to solve this section is to find the relevant SOS and EOS points on the end of section map, and then to plot a route between those two points that is the same shape and scale as the blind map line you produced by solving the maze.

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Last Updated: 2002-01-16
Copyright © 2001 Gail L. Walker, reproduction forbidden without written authorization.